Learn more about the Native Learning Center

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Welcome to the Hoporenkv Podcast Website

The mission of the Native Learning Center is to
provide Native Americans with knowledge and
skills that improves quality of life through
housing related training programs.

The vision of the Native Learning Center is to be the recognized training resource for the development of Tribal communities for all Native Americans.

The Native Learning Center (NLC) offers free Training and Technical Assistance to Native Americans and those working within Indian Country. Our training promotes the essentials of The Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA) for Tribal members and their communities. The NLC is a model activity program of the Seminole Tribe of Florida (STOF) Housing Department, and was established in cooperation with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Eastern Woodlands Office of Native American Programs (EWONAP) in 2008.

Native Learning Center | 6363 Taft St. Suite #101, Hollywood, FL 33024 | +1 (954) 985-2315 | NLCInfo@semtribe.com

NLC Training Disclaimer:
Be aware that the opinions contained in webinars and podcasts, trainings and technical assistance sessions are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the NLC as well as STOF, ONAP or HUD.
References to specific agencies, organizations, firms, products, services, processes and procedures should not be considered an endorsement by the listed entities. Rather, the references are informational and illustrations to supplement discussions.

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